Ohlédnutí za táborovou školou na Polaně

Asociace, Vzdělávání – proběhlo, LTŠ

Asociační chalupa na Polaně letos opět hostila mladé tomíky na Letní táborové škole. Během jednoho týdne získali spoustu praktických dovedností i teoretických znalostí z nejrůznějších oborů potřebných pro jejich oddílovou činnost. Obohacující bylo i poznání, že ve svém snažení nejsou sami, že se i v ostatních krajích nalézají podobně naladění nadšenci pro práci s dětmi.

Po úvodním seznamování, rozdělení do skupin a představení svých oddílů, mohl začít vlastní hravý i vzdělávací program. Proběhly kostkohry, během nichž bylo zapotřebí najít sňatkového podvodníka, co nejrychleji proběhnout gumodráhou, kouzlit s ohněm či udržet rovnováhu na laně. Poté přišla na řadu zdravověda v teorii i praktických ukázkách při různých simulovaných případech a série drobných her vhodných na družinovky. Ani letos nechyběl rogaining a společenská událost večera Prase v žitě. Do programu patřily i přednášky o legislativě, tábornickém vybavení, topografii či GPS.

Svou vůli a zároveň umělecké sklony si mohl každý prozkoušet na dálkoplazu, padesátikilometrovém putování malebnou valašskou krajinou, zpestřeném fotografováním okolní přírody. Po zotavovací noci přišlo na řadu prozkoumání cílového místa celé túry, tedy Pulčinských skal. Po návratu na chalupu každý ocenil výuku základů regenerační masáže, kterou si mohl na vlastní kůži vyzkoušet.

Pobyt se pomalu chýlil ke konci, ale ještě zbyl čas na hru Pastičky se sladkou odměnou či navození atmosféry doby rolníků a lapků při stejnojmenné hře. Závěr patřil vyhodnocení, nalezení pokladu a poté tradičnímu táboráku.

Rád bych tímto za všechny lektory ještě jednou popřál všem účastníkům, aby s nově nabytými nápady a inspiracemi vhodně naložili a uplatnili je v praxi. Byl to díky nim příjemný a obohacující poslední prázdninový týden.


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Я хочу поделиться своим опытом использования услуг частного специалиста по озонированию, которого я нашел по номеру 8 909 826 3556 (Комсомольск-на-Амуре) . После пожара в моем доме оставшийся запах гари просто невыносим, и я был отчаян в поисках специалиста, который мог бы помочь мне с этой проблемой.

Когда я наткнулся на объявление о частном специалисте по озонированию, я решил позвонить по указанному номеру. С первого звонка я понял, что имею дело с настоящим профессионалом. Специалист был очень дружелюбным и внимательным к моим проблемам. Он тщательно выслушал мои опасения относительно запаха и объяснил, как он может помочь.

Мы договорились о встрече на моей территории, и специалист прибыл вовремя. Он был основательным и профессиональным в своей работе. Прежде чем приступить к озонированию, он провел осмотр моего дома и дал мне рекомендации относительно того, какие помещения нуждаются в особом внимании.

Процесс озонирования прошел гладко, и результаты превзошли мои ожидания. Запах гари был полностью устранен, и воздух в доме стал свежим и чистым. Я был приятно удивлен, насколько эффективно и быстро работал этот специалист.

Кроме того, он оказался очень вежливым и пунктуальным. Он ответил на все мои вопросы и дал мне советы о том, как поддерживать чистоту в доме в будущем, чтобы избежать подобных проблем.

В целом, я очень доволен работой этого частного специалиста по озонированию. Он проявил профессионализм, качество работы было на высшем уровне, и результаты превзошли мои ожидания. Я рекомендую его услуги всем, кто ищет эффективное решение проблемы с запахом после пожара или других неприятных ситуаций.

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كنت أعيش في مكان ليس ببعيد عن Ш¬ШЁШ§Щ„ЩЉШ§، وعندما سقطت الجحيم من السماء كنت أكثر حظًا من الناس الذين يعيشون هناك.
اسمي ماهر‎، أنا لاجئ وأقوم بجمع التبرعات للمساعدة.
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Если вы хотите приворожить бывшего супруга, вам поможет сильный белый заговор на любовь мужчины, читать который можно на расстоянии в домашних условиях.
«Ночь-девица, юная баловница, с неба спустилась да по земле прокатилась. Ко всякому заглянула, всякому сон дала, а мое окошко стороной обошла. Не обходи меня, ноченька, ко мне в дом загляни, во сны раба (имя) за руку отведи, чтобы одной мной грезил да ко мне одной любовью пылал. Как я сейчас не сплю-не почиваю, так пусть и раб (имя) не спит да обо мне одной помышляет. Сией ночью да тысячей последующих. Аминь».

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-маг колдун настоящий

<a href=https://cryptoforday.com/bitcoin-etf-ads-google-to-introduce-monday-speculation-rises>Bitcoin ETF Ads: Google to Introduce Monday, Speculation Rises</a>. The anticipation surrounding the potential introduction of Bitcoin ETF ads on Google is reaching a fever pitch within the cryptocurrency community. With the world's largest search engine opening its doors to these advertisements, enthusiasts and investors are eagerly speculating about the implications this move could have on the market. As Bitcoin continues to gain mainstream acceptance, the inclusion of these ads on Google could provide a significant boost to its visibility and adoption. However, with the industry still grappling with regulatory challenges and concerns about market volatility, the community remains cautiously optimistic about what the future holds for Bitcoin ETFs and their potential impact on the broader financial landscape.
<a href=https://cryptoforday.com/telefonica-and-nova-labs-launch-blockchain-mobile-infrastructure-in-mexico>Telefónica and Nova Labs Launch Blockchain Mobile Infrastructure in Mexico</a>. Telefónica, a leading telecommunications company, has joined forces with Nova Labs to launch innovative blockchain-based mobile infrastructure in Mexico. The strategic partnership aims to revolutionize the country's mobile network landscape by leveraging blockchain technology to enhance security, efficiency, and transparency. Through this collaboration, Telefónica and Nova Labs are paving the way for a new era of connectivity, enabling users to enjoy a seamless and trust-driven mobile experience. With the launch of this groundbreaking mobile infrastructure, Telefónica and Nova Labs are determined to bring Mexico to the forefront of blockchain adoption and transform the way mobile networks operate in the country.
<a href=https://cryptoforday.com/bitcoins-deadline-10-days-until-squeeze-zone>Bitcoin's Deadline: 10 Days Until Squeeze Zone</a>. The cryptocurrency markets are buzzing with anticipation as Bitcoin approaches a critical juncture. Analysts predict that Bitcoin's price metric is set to hit a squeeze zone within the next 10 days, causing a potential surge or decline in its value. This impending deadline has sent ripples of excitement and anxiety throughout the crypto community, as investors eagerly await the outcome of this significant event. With the cryptocurrency industry constantly evolving, the pressure is mounting to see how Bitcoin will fare in the face of this impending squeeze zone. All eyes are on Bitcoin as the clock continues to tick down, with only 10 days left until this crucial point of decision.
<a href=https://cryptoforday.com/gensler-addresses-us-lawmakers-on-secs-false-bitcoin-etf-tweet>Gensler Addresses US Lawmakers on SEC's False Bitcoin ETF Tweet</a> In a highly anticipated appearance before US lawmakers, Gary Gensler, the Chair of the Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC), addressed concerns over the agency's false tweet about a Bitcoin exchange-traded fund (ETF). Gensler’s testimony aimed to shed light on the miscommunication and reassure lawmakers of the SEC’s commitment to transparency and fair regulatory practices. The incident in question occurred when the SEC's official Twitter account falsely claimed that the regulatory body had approved the first-ever Bitcoin ETF. Gensler, in his address, acknowledged the potential harm such false information can cause to market integrity and investor trust. He emphasized the importance of accurate communication from the SEC and pledged to review internal procedures to prevent future misinformation incidents.
OpenAI and Microsoft have recently announced a ground-breaking collaboration aimed at strengthening global cybersecurity efforts against state-linked cyberattacks. Marked by the powerful slogan "<a href=https://cryptoforday.com/openai-microsoft-combating-state-linked-cyberattacks>OpenAI + Microsoft: Combating State-Linked Cyberattacks</a>," this collaboration brings together OpenAI's expertise in artificial intelligence research with Microsoft's extensive experience in cybersecurity services. By combining forces, these technology giants hope to develop cutting-edge technologies and strategies to protect nations, organizations, and individuals from the rising threat of cyber intrusions orchestrated by state actors. Through this partnership, OpenAI and Microsoft aim to ensure a safer and more secure digital future for all.
The popularity of ether staking deposits has surged to remarkable heights, with an astounding $85B now being locked up in the process. This staggering sum represents a staggering 25% of the circulating supply of ether that has been effectively immobilized. The tremendous growth in ether staking deposits indicates the strong confidence and commitment of investors in the Ethereum network, as they seek to earn rewards and contribute to the security of the blockchain. The staggering numbers signify the profound impact and widespread adoption of staking as a vital component of the Ethereum ecosystem. "<a href=https://cryptoforday.com/85b-ether-staking-deposits-25-circulating-supply-locked>$85B Ether Staking Deposits: 25% Circulating Supply Locked</a>" stands as a testament to the robustness and resilience of the Ethereum community.
In order to truly make a significant global impact, Ethereum's ecosystem needs a major mindset shift, according to Vitalik Buterin, the co-founder of Ethereum. He emphasizes that this shift is necessary in order to fully realize the potential of the network and achieve its mission of decentralization and empowerment. Buterin strongly advocates for an extensive paradigm shift, one that places emphasis on scalability, usability, and sustainability. As Ethereum continues to evolve and grow, it is crucial for the community to embrace this mindset shift and actively work towards building a more inclusive and impactful future. <a href=https://cryptoforday.com/ethereums-paradigm-shift-for-global-impact>Ethereum's Paradigm Shift for Global Impact</a> has the potential to revolutionize various industries and create new opportunities that benefit individuals worldwide.
<a href=https://cryptoforday.com/btc-price-surges-to-53k-but-resistance-halts-bitcoin-bulls>BTC Price Surges to $53K, But Resistance Halts Bitcoin Bulls</a> In a moment of exhilaration for Bitcoin enthusiasts, the price of BTC soared to an impressive $53K, igniting hopes of continued upward momentum. The surge was fueled by growing institutional interest and the acceptance of Bitcoin as a mainstream investment. However, even as the bulls reveled in their triumph, a formidable resistance began to take hold, tempering their enthusiasm. Skeptics and market skeptics alike offered a stern reminder that past price spikes were often met with significant pullbacks, cautioning against unwarranted exuberance. The sudden influx of selling pressure was reinforced by technical indicators signaling overbought conditions, injecting a dose of reality into the soaring market. BTC price may have experienced a glorious ascent to $53K, but the strength of the resistance brewing reminds Bitcoin bulls that any sustained rally requires overcoming formidable obstacles.
<a href=https://cryptoforday.com/bitcoin-buying-recommended-amidst-looting-the-treasury-phase-in-us>Bitcoin Buying Recommended Amidst 'Looting-the-Treasury' Phase in US</a>. With the US economy plunging into what many are calling the 'looting-the-treasury phase,' financial experts are advising individuals to consider Bitcoin as a safe haven for their investments. The ongoing economic crisis, compounded by unchecked government spending, has raised concerns about the long-term stability of traditional financial systems. In this uncertain climate, Bitcoin has emerged as a resilient asset, resistant to inflation and economic manipulation. As the world's leading decentralized cryptocurrency, Bitcoin offers a borderless and secure alternative for individuals looking to preserve their wealth. Investors are now increasingly recognizing the importance of diversifying their portfolios and safeguarding against the potential devaluation of fiat currencies. Given these circumstances, Bitcoin buying is recommended amidst the 'looting-the-treasury' phase in the US, offering a prudent and forward-thinking strategy for preserving and growing wealth.
GBTC's $5B flight triggers global outflows: CoinShares. The recent withdrawal of $5 billion from Grayscale Bitcoin Trust (GBTC) has reportedly caused a ripple effect across the cryptocurrency market, leading to outflows in other regions as well, according to blockchain asset management firm CoinShares. This significant movement of funds from GBTC, a popular investment vehicle for institutional investors, has prompted concerns and speculations about the overall sentiment towards Bitcoin and its impact on the broader crypto market. CoinShares suggests that this flight from GBTC may reflect a shift in investor preferences towards alternative investment options, as well as a potential cooling of interest in Bitcoin. <a href=https://cryptoforday.com/gbtcs-5b-flight-triggers-global-outflows-coinshares>GBTC's $5B Flight Triggers Global Outflows: CoinShares</a>.
<a href=https://cryptoforday.com/crypto-startup-failures-moon-or-doom>Crypto Startup Failures: Moon or Doom?</a> Despite the massive popularity of cryptocurrencies, the journey for many crypto startups has been perilous. The volatile nature of the market and the ever-evolving regulatory landscape have proven to be treacherous obstacles for countless ventures. While some startups have successfully reached the moon, enjoying unprecedented success, others have succumbed to the doom of failure, leaving users and investors disillusioned. The failure of crypto startups can be attributed to a multitude of factors, including poor planning, lack of market understanding, unsustainable business models, and inadequate security measures. These challenges highlight the importance of careful planning, adaptability, and maintaining trust in an industry where success can seem as elusive as the moon itself.
The Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) has announced a delay in its decision regarding BlackRock's proposed Ethereum exchange-traded fund (ETF), pushing the deadline to March. The <a href=https://cryptoforday.com/sec-delays-blackrocks-ethereum-etf-decision-to-march>SEC Delays BlackRock's Ethereum ETF Decision to March</a>, extending the evaluation period for the investment firm's application. While the delay could be seen as a setback for BlackRock and the cryptocurrency community eagerly awaiting the launch of an Ethereum ETF, it also provides more time for the SEC to carefully analyze the potential risks and benefits associated with such a product. This decision highlights the regulatory scrutiny and cautious approach towards digital assets, emphasizing the need for a comprehensive regulatory framework before granting approval to novel financial instruments in the crypto space.
Bitcoin's unprecedented rally seems unstoppable as it sets its sights on a remarkable seven-month winning streak, a feat never achieved in its history. The world's most popular cryptocurrency has been on an incredible trajectory, defying skeptics and winning over investors with its remarkable resilience. With each passing month, Bitcoin's record streak gains momentum, solidifying its status as a promising asset class worth considering. As the market continues to embrace this digital gold, enthusiasts eagerly await the outcome, wondering if Bitcoin can successfully extend its unprecedented winning streak to an astounding seven months. <a href=https://cryptoforday.com/bitcoins-record-streak-7-months-of-wins>Bitcoin's Record Streak: 7 Months of Wins</a>.
South Korean ruling party, in a strategic move, has promised to postpone the implementation of cryptocurrency tax by two years, as the forthcoming elections cast a shadow of uncertainty. In a bid to alleviate concerns and win over the burgeoning crypto community, the South Korean ruling party announced its decision, stating that it will hold off on taxing crypto transactions until 2023. With the catchy slogan "<a href=https://cryptoforday.com/south-korean-ruling-party-delays-crypto-tax-amid-elections>South Korean Ruling Party Delays Crypto Tax Amid Elections</a>," they aim to gain favor from potential voters and maintain a supportive stance towards the rapidly evolving digital currency landscape.
<a href=https://cryptoforday.com/the-boon-and-threat-of-visa-and-mastercard-implications-for-crypto-exchanges>The Boon and Threat of Visa and Mastercard: Implications for Crypto Exchanges</a> The rise of Visa and Mastercard has undoubtedly been a boon for wallet holders, providing convenience and accessibility for financial transactions worldwide. However, as these payment giants continue to dominate the traditional financial landscape, there is growing concern over their potential threat to crypto exchanges. With their massive customer base and established infrastructure, Visa and Mastercard hold a significant advantage over crypto exchanges in terms of user acquisition and transaction volume. This poses a potential challenge for the crypto industry as it strives to gain mainstream acceptance. While the integration of these payment networks could potentially expand crypto adoption, there is also a risk that crypto exchanges may be overshadowed or marginalized by the dominance of Visa and Mastercard, limiting their growth and development. As the crypto and traditional financial worlds continue to collide, the implications of Visa and Mastercard's influence on crypto exchanges remain a subject of intense debate and speculation.
<a href=https://cryptoforday.com/understanding-rebase-tokens-a-quick-guide>Understanding Rebase Tokens: A Quick Guide</a>. Rebase tokens are a remarkable concept in the world of decentralized finance (DeFi) that offers an innovative way to stabilize the price of certain cryptocurrencies. They function by automatically adjusting the supply of a token in response to market demand, preventing drastic price fluctuations and promoting stability. Unlike traditional currencies that are pegged to external assets, rebase tokens implement an elastic supply mechanism whereby the total supply of tokens is increased or decreased proportionally across all wallets, ensuring a consistent proportion of ownership for each holder. This method helps maintain the token's relative value and can be a powerful tool in addressing price volatility for DeFi projects. Rebase tokens are an emerging solution seeking to balance stability and growth in the dynamic world of cryptocurrency.
<a href=https://cryptoforday.com/controversy-surrounding-erc-404-tokens-splits-blockchain-community>Controversy Surrounding ERC-404 Tokens Splits Blockchain Community</a>. Controversy surrounding ERC-404 tokens splits the blockchain community, as debates erupt over the potential benefits and risks of this innovative development. Some proponents emphasize the increased scalability and reduced transaction costs offered by this new standard, envisioning a more efficient and inclusive blockchain ecosystem. However, skeptics raise concerns about the potential for security vulnerabilities and the risk of centralization that may arise from adopting ERC-404 tokens. With the community divided, it remains to be seen whether the promise of this technology will overcome the reservations and unite blockchain enthusiasts on a common path forward.
Google has been handed a hefty fine of 250 million euros by a French watchdog for infringing upon intellectual property rights through its AI technology. The fine was imposed by the French regulatory body, which found evidence of Google's unlawful utilization of protected artificial intelligence intellectual property. This significant financial penalty acts as a stern warning to tech giants operating within France, as it reinforces the country's commitment to safeguarding intellectual property rights. The verdict, "<a href=https://cryptoforday.com/google-fined-250m-euros-for-ai-ip-infringement-by-french-watchdog>Google Fined 250M Euros for AI IP Infringement by French Watchdog</a>," underscores the growing importance of respecting intellectual property in the rapidly evolving field of artificial intelligence.
<a href=https://cryptoforday.com/embracing-a-diverse-digital-currency-future-lugano-the-swiss-city>Embracing a Diverse Digital Currency Future: Lugano, the Swiss City</a>, is taking a bold step towards shaping the financial landscape. Recognizing the growing influence and potential of digital currencies, Lugano has positioned itself as a pioneer in this evolving industry. With its progressive mindset and forward-thinking approach, the city has embraced various cryptocurrencies, including Bitcoin and Ethereum, as a means of payment for goods and services. This strategic move not only reflects Lugano's commitment to innovation but also stems from the recognition that embracing digital currencies can revolutionize traditional financial systems and enhance economic growth. By spearheading the integration of cryptocurrencies, Lugano showcases their belief in the transformative power and limitless possibilities of digital currencies, positioning the city at the forefront of a diverse and exciting future.


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